Dixie Crouch: Professional Make-up Project

Penny Dreadful Chest Prosthetics
Experience with Chest and body prosthetics
Again i am going to talk about "Sleep" (2015) directed by Iona Smith. That i worked on with Kelly Monks Catherine Ashton and Rhian Webster. Specifically focusing on the character 'seduction' that Kelly sculpted the chest and body prosthetics for.
Chest Prosthetics and Moulding Research
In order to create and mould my chest piece, i think because of time restrictions and also
Alternative Methods of Creating chest/body prosthetics

WHAT! making a fibreglass core straight from an algenate life cast!! is that a thing?
- it is if you are John Schoonrad.
I didnt know that this was possible, and i spoke to wayne about how this could be achieved and he told me about how water in the algenate lifecast would usually inhibit the curationo of the fibreglass gel coat resin. So in order to make a fibreglass core sstraight from an algenate cast you would have swish the cast with acetone a lot before you started to fibreglass it.
I feel that so much can go wrong with this that you have to be an expert to try it. And for me it would not be possible to do and is not worth the risk.
Kelly sculpted the prosthetics onto the plaster chest cast in order to get the right scale,