Dixie Crouch: Professional Make-up Project
Initial Ideas
List Of Environmental Issues
That interest me and could work in a body paint campaign.
Climate Change
-Global Warming
-Fossil Feul consumption (Oil/Coal/Gas)
-Rising sea level
Environmental Degradation
-Ocean Dumping
-Oil Spills
-Toxic Waste
-Shark Finning
-Over-fishing / Ghost Nets
-Illegal Pet Trade
Animal Welfare
Initial Ideas and Sketches

Idea 1
My first idea would be to do a campaign about deforestration and incorporate a body paint and camoflage.
This idea is ispired by camoflage makeup, especially the artwork of Liu Bolin

Feedback from Laura
PVP Presentation
Experience with Prosthetics and Environemental Campaigns
At the end of last year i collaborated with a photographer called Penny Freeman on her Final Major Project, this was a series of campaign photos produced for Peta, against animal cruelty.
For this project i had to create a series of prosthetics, a model maker created all these animal heads so that the idea was that humans and animals are not that different, and how wouldyou feel if this happened to you.
The first one was a human representing a tiger being skinned. so i sculpted a flat piece to wrap around his waist.
The second was a rhino, Penny wanted to represent the impact of their horns being sawn off but she didnt want it to damage the head and she thought it would be more effective if it was a human body part that was removed. Her idea was the removal of a leg or arm, but we worked out in the end that fingers would be best to do in terms of editing the leg out and ease of the model and time/ budget.
I made a mould of ther hand and sculpted the wound on his hand, then also made gelatine fingers for the shoot.
The third was a rabbit who had been experimented on, so i made easy small bondo flat pieces for her to represent boils/wounds and infections. I applied them over her arms and legs. and also made the piece with the syringe from gelatine.
And lastly was the cow that was cow that had been standing in its own feces all day. For this i made mud, but i dont think it was that successful it was too shiny. PEnny was happy with it though.
Idea 4
I also have an idea to create 2 bodypaints/characters.
One to represent drought and one to represent flooding. To highlight issues of climate change.
Idea 3
My third idea was inspired by the WWF campaigns, it is the idea of doing an animal paint on someone, but because i think this has been done so much i would then paint graffiti or something over the top of it. This would be a photoshoot.
Idea 2
My second idea would be to paint someone as the planet and then cover them in oil to encourage people to use clean energy and divest from dirty oil production.
This would probably have to be filmed.